Many of the photos/videos below have music so be sure to turn on your sound!
2021-2022 |
COVID years
2019 - 2020
Touring Puerto Rico between the earthquakes & Corona Virus Photos Puerto Rico Earthquakes, Guanica & Guayanilla 2019-2020 Photos Culebra, Spanish Virgin Islands 2019-2020 Photos Swimming with a dolphin, Georgetown, Bahamas '20 Video Junkanoo, Georgetown, 2019 (Crusaders, Warriors, Youths) Videos Royal Bahamian Police Force Band, Georgetown Videos SE Nova Scotia aboard "Plover" Photos ST John USVI, Bamboula Dancers Video Puerto Rico Bomba/Plena Festival, dancing/drumming Video |
January - April 2017

Dominica Photos
Carnival in Roseau Video
Indian River, Portsmouth Video
Domino game, Portsmouth Video
Carnival in Portsmouth Video
Jing Ping music Video
Ancient buttress root tree on Syndicate Trail Video
- Guadeloupe Photos
Antigua, St John, Culebra Photos
Steel Drum music, Antigua Video
Snorkeling with turtles, St John & Culebra Video
Culebra & Culebrita underwater Photos
Coral underwater "Garden", Culebrita Video
Snorkeling with school of blue fish Video
Puerto Rico before Hurricane Maria Photos
Dancers on the Guancha, Ponce Video
Singers at farmer's market, Ponce Video
"TunTun Sound" Band on the Guancha, Ponce Video
Playful dolphins while sailing Video
July - August 2016

LaVonne's trip aboard S/V Silmaril from :
Halifax, Nova Scotia to Bras d'Or Lakes Photos
Isle aux Morts to Ramea, Newfoundland Photos
Grey River to Rencontre West, Newfoundland Photos
McCallum, Newfoundland Photos
Gaultois and Piccaire, Newfoundland Photos
Hermitage, Harbour Breton, Balden's Cove and
Grand Falls, Newfoundland Photos
Grand Bank and Fortune, Newfoundland Photos
Miquelon and St Pierre, France Photos
Halifax, Nova Scotia to Bras d'Or Lakes Photos
Isle aux Morts to Ramea, Newfoundland Photos
Grey River to Rencontre West, Newfoundland Photos
McCallum, Newfoundland Photos
Gaultois and Piccaire, Newfoundland Photos
Hermitage, Harbour Breton, Balden's Cove and
Grand Falls, Newfoundland Photos
Grand Bank and Fortune, Newfoundland Photos
Miquelon and St Pierre, France Photos
September, 2015
April, 2015
February - March 2015

Puerto Rico
December, 2014 - January 2015

August, 2014

St. John's, Cape Fear, Bell Island, Ferryland, Newfoundland Photos
Southeastern Newfoundland Photos
St. Pierre and Miquelon, Newfoundland aboard "Plover" Photos
April - May 2014

Norman's Cay Photos
Georgetown to Nassau - Family vacation Photos
Rocket & Orbit in the Bahamas Photos
Georgetown Photos
Georgetown Underwater Photos
2014 Family Island Regatta, Georgetown Photos
Royal Bahamian Police Band @ Family Island Regatta Photos
Exuma Community Marching Band & Majorettes
@ Family Island Regatta Photos
March 2014

November 2013 - February 2014

August - September 2013

Haul-out @ Ocean Marine, Portsmouth, VA Photos
February - April 2013

Bimini Photos
Staniel Cay, Big Major's & Rocky Dundas Photos
Black Point Setlement Photos
Little Farmers Cay Photos
Rum Cay, Exumas Photos
Lee Stocking Island & Elizabeth Island Photos
Long Island, Bahamas Photos
Staniel Cay, Big Major's & Rocky Dundas Photos
Black Point Setlement Photos
Little Farmers Cay Photos
Rum Cay, Exumas Photos
Lee Stocking Island & Elizabeth Island Photos
Long Island, Bahamas Photos
Christmas, 2012 - January 2013

Georgetown, Exumas Photos
December, 2012

August, 2012

LaHave, Nova Scotia Photos
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Photos
- Memories of the HMS Bounty, Lunenburg Photos
June - July 2012

April - May 2012

January-March 2012

Beaufort, NC Photos
September 2011- December 2011

Newport, RI
Sag Harbor, New York
Shelter Island, New York
Oyster Bay, New York
New York City Photos
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Annapolis, MD
Deltaville, VA
August, 2011

Maine Photos
Somes Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Acadia National Park
Merchant Harbor, Merchant Island
Pulpit Harbor, North Haven Island
Smith Cove, Castine *** Hurricane Irene ***
Somes Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Acadia National Park
Merchant Harbor, Merchant Island
Pulpit Harbor, North Haven Island
Smith Cove, Castine *** Hurricane Irene ***
July, 2011

Deltaville, Virginia
Chesapeake Bay
Cape Cod Canal
Chesapeake Bay
Cape Cod Canal
June, 2011

May, 2011

Exuma, Bahamas Photos
* Cave Cay
* Little Farmer's Cay
* Black Point Settlement
* Big Major's Spot
* Shroud Cay
* Rose Island
* Pipe Cay
* Staniel Cay
* Warderick Wells
* Cave Cay
* Little Farmer's Cay
* Black Point Settlement
* Big Major's Spot
* Shroud Cay
* Rose Island
* Pipe Cay
* Staniel Cay
* Warderick Wells
April, 2011

March, 2011

Lake Worth, Palm Beach, Florida Photos
December, 2010-February, 2011